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Children & Kid Health : Health & Medical

Safety Guidelines For Infant Sleep

Today, over 20 years of studies have identified numerous risk factors for SIDS, resulting in a long list of safety guidelines for parents.

Helping Your Baby Develop His Visual Sense

More than 75 percent of all that your baby or toddler learns will come as a result of his visual experiences. Infants are attracted to bright colors. Seeing color is a part of his early learning. Visu

How to Test Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills are the skills allowing you control over the large muscles of your body, used for activities such as walking, running or sitting. Children slowly develop and acquire these skills as their physical body matures. In fact, there are certain milestones involved in motor skill developm

Drug Counters Scorpion Venom

A new study shows that a drug called Anascorp, which is available in Mexico but not approved in the U.S., may help children recover from severe scorpion stings.

Two Good Evenflo Baby Gate Examples

Do you worry about the safety of your little tot? If yes, you are not alone. Many parents seek to protect their nosy toddlers day after day. Controlling their movements toward hazardous areas is the f

Terrible TwosomeMaybe The Bob Revolution Duallie Stroller Is Right For You

There are a few reasons why you might need a stroller built for two. Perhaps you have had twins recently and need two for that reason. Or, maybe you have two children close in age. Because it is rarer to need a double stroller, they are not as common to find. Luckily, the BOB Revolution Duallie Stro

Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency

Important It is possible that the main title of the report Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. ...

Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 Travel System Review

A Travel system is a popular choice for new parents as they provide an ideal way to travel with your child. Consisting of a combination of a stroller and infant car seat, they are a good option for pa

9-Valent Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV) Vaccine

The new 9-valent HPV vaccine offers additional protection against strains known to produce cancer, but low vaccine uptake throughout the United States lessens the potential benefits of the vaccine.

Hey No-one Told Me Babies Need To Be Potty Trained!

Who knew schooling your baby to use the potty required a proper game plan? Toilet training, or potty training as it is popularly referred to, is a science that will help you say bye bye to diapers and wet nights and hello to happy times.

Why Buy Organic Baby Clothes?

There are many benefits to organic baby clothes, including the ability to protect your loved one from the dangers of harmful toxins and chemicals.


Provigil is used to treat excessive sleepiness in adults with certain sleep disorders. In addition, it was thought that Provigil might be approved to treat children and teens with ADHD in a new dosage form under the name Attenace or Sparlon, although the FDA stated that it was not approvable for ADH