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Real estate & property Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
How to Sublease a Room
Subleasing a room is renting out a room(s) by a tenant or the lessee. This is done when the lessee is away for an indefinite period of time and would like to sublet the room. This is a win-win situation for both the original lessee and the temporary lessee. The original tenant does not have to pay t
Landlords - 3 Day Notice to Pay Rent - Should You Do Your Own? Read This Free Report
Serving a notice to pay rent on a tenant can be fraught with peril. Landlords, consider this free report before you decide.
Some Terms Surrounding Security Interests
If you personally have taken out any secured loans, or if you have taken out any such loans as part of your business then it is important to make sure that you fully understand precisely what this means. When researching this topic you may also have encountered some rather obscure sounding terms and
Can I Cut My Lease With a Landlord Short?
Breaking a rental lease can have serious consequences and can cost a significant amount of money. Before breaking a lease, it is important to be aware of the laws in your state and know exactly what it will take to break your lease with the least negative impact to yourself and your landlord.
LA Housing Rent Control Rules
Los Angeles suffers from a shortage of residential rental property.Los Angeles Sign image by crossgolfing from Fotolia.comIn Los Angeles, California, the Municipal Code of Laws contains a chapter dealing with rental property, which applies to rental properties throughout the city. Rent...
What Does "90 Days" Mean in Regards to Tenant Rights?
Until recently, tenants in foreclosed buildings were vulnerable to eviction. Under a new federal law, tenants now have additional rights, including 90-days notice of the intent to terminate a rental agreement when a tenant does not have a lease or a landlord intends to move into the property himself
What Do the Rent Receivers Do?
It is a common perception that a rent payer is the one who has all the responsibilities, like paying the rent on time, paying the bills, keeping good terms with the owner, taking care of the house and informing the owner of any issues right on time, and the receiver of rent just has to sit home and
Can't We Have the Forms?
I'm regularly asked by people who get involved in our real estate syndication and capital raising program if they can simply get the forms and fill out the securities documentation on their own. I am very quick to point out this is a terrible idea and for that reason, we do not provide forms fo
Can They Foreclose on Your Home While You Are in the Middle of Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy lawyers often make promises that when they help you file for bankruptcy you can keep your home out of foreclosure. While that statement is true in many situations, it does not hold true for every bankruptcy debtor's situation. Depending on the chapter of bankruptcy you file, your lender m
Florida Mortgage Disclosure Laws
Mortgagees benefit from a series of increasing stringent federal disclosure laws from 1968 to the present.New Home image by Ryan LeBaron from Fotolia.comOne Florida insurance law deals with disclosure requirements related to mortgages. The state of Florida also complies with several...
How Do I Ask a Tenant to Move?
Whether it is for breach of contract, property damage, non-payment of rent, or you simply need to take back possession of your property, a landlord must follow specific laws when asking a tenant to vacate a property. As a landlord, you are required to give tenants written notice asking them to vacat
How to Remove a Property Lien in Texas
A property lien is when your property is legally held in a way that you cannot sell it until a debt has been paid. In the state of Texas, as in many other parts of the United States, there are several ways you can remove property liens. Depending on your situation and access to legal aid you may wan
NYC Rent Regulations
New York City rent regulations help keep housing unit rental prices apartment building image by green308 from Fotolia.comNew York is the nation's most populous city, and has both rent control laws and rent stabilization programs to help stabilize housing unit rental prices....
The Rules of Eviction in Virginia
A rental lease constitutes an agreement between a tenant and landlord and outlines the rights and responsibilities of each. Landlords reserve the right to evict tenants in certain instances, but must follow a legal protocol outlined by the laws of the state in which he resides. He cannot...
California Laws on Accepting a Notice to Vacate
A notice to vacate provides a recipient legal notification that the sender is going to leave a property or wants a tenant to leave. In California, such a notice is regularly used by landlords and tenants in rental agreements or leases when one side has decided to end the agreement. The notice provid
The American Dream Turns Into a Nightmare
Homeowners who have recently discovered that they have tainted Chinese drywall are uncertain as to whether they are legally obligated to pay their mortgage. Legally, the borrower is obligated to pay their mortgage unless an abatement or forbearance is negotiated and granted by the bank.
Extending Your Lease - Mistakes to Avoid
Although extending your lease can significantly enhance the value of your flat, the whole lease extension process is not without pitfalls. This argument summarises the mistakes to avoid when applying for lease extension.
Inverse Condemnation, Part 1 of 4: What Is Inverse Condemnation and Can You Recover Attorney's Fees?
Under the rules of eminent domain, the condemning authority is supposed to declare a taking when it acquires private property without the owner's consent. That declaration then grants rights to the public property owner in the eminent domain process. Sometimes, though, a taking occurs and no de
How to Terminate a UCC
A Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) lien is a commercial lien that helps a bank or lender protect its financial risk when making loans to businesses. A UCC statement is filed with the secretary of state's office in the state where the loan is approved. This statement provides the terms of the loan, incl
Succession Rights of Rent Stabilized Tenants
Leaselease image by Renato Francia from Fotolia.comThere are laws which protect the succession rights of rent stabilized tenants. The rule is that eligibility is determined based upon status as a family member. Family members who wish to qualify for succession rights must have lived...