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Society & Culture Misc : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Meet Vaikundarajan, The Man Falsely Accused Of Stealing Rs 96k Crore From Illegal Mining
Mr. S. Vaikundarajan, director of VV Mineral which was under scanner for unlawful mining to the tune of Rs 96 crore is presently pronounced pure.
Jail Guard Misconduct Cost Taxpayers $55 Million
Illinois taxpayers will bear the brunt of a settlement approved by Cook County Board Commissioners resulting from a lawsuit over the rough treatment of incoming male inmates by jail guards. The lawsui
Biography of Peter I, King of Serbia
Peter I of Serbia, also known as King Peter the Liberator, was born in Belgrade to Prince Alexander and his consort Princess Persida Nenadovi. In 1858, Prince Alexander went into exile along with his son.
Learn from Katie Couric - What Happens When You Target the Wrong Audience
Reporter and news anchor Katie Couric is targeting the wrong audience and how solo-practitioners can learn from her lessons.Katie Couric has been receiving a lot of flack in her new position as CBS Evening News Anchor and Editing Manager. The former NBC Today Show Host and early morning corresponden
National Universal Health Care - Could it Work in the USA?
The United States is the only nation in the industrialized world without a universal health care system. The oldest universal health care system is in Germany, which had its inception in 1883 under Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.
Don't Care About the Environment - Other Reasons You Should Buy Eco
There are a small percentage of people that are often bemoaning the environmental cause. Some often claim global warming is not happening; or don't care about it; or find that life is difficult enough without having to worry about the planet.
The Only Way to Save Social Security
I remember way back in 2004, when George W. Bush wanted to reform social security. All the democrats practically swore on a bible that social security was sound and it was having no financial problems. Any moron should have known they were lying.
Should the Winner of the NBA All-Star Game Determine Home Court Advantage in the Finals?
The NBA should adopt the format of Major League Baseball, which would award the winner of the All-star game home court advantage in the championship game. This would highly increase viewer ratings, as it would create a much more entertaining, hard-fought game.
Dry Your Clothes Without Using Electricity With the Help of an Airer From Airers4you
Based on where you're living, you may be unfamiliar with airers for drying clothes. Particularly in the US, folks has stopped using an outdoor clothesline. But due to the green living movemen
Nigerian Central Bank Governor Makes Case for Islamic Banking
Centarl Bank of Nigeria moves to get the attention of the Islamic world to bank in Nigeria.
Successful Event Planning In Australia
An event, however exciting it sounds or easy it seems, takes a lot of preparation and last minute touchups. There are always unexpected and overlooked issues and costs.
Arizona Bus Crash Kills 7 Chinese Tourists - No Seat Belts Available For the Passengers
The fatal tour bus accident close to Hoover Dam last Saturday claimed the lives of 7 Chinese tourists when the driver over-corrected and caused the bus to rollover several times. The passengers on this small airport-style tour bus owned by D.W. Tours and driven by Han Dong had no seat belts availabl
Eric Levine Success And Ethics
Just about everybody knows of California Fitness Yoga master, Eric Levine. His philosophy that every thing may be solved through meditation and yoga puts him at the top in the the yoga charts. He started his California Fitness in Hong Kong with a objective to make fitness fun and refreshing.
The Use Of Motorhomes In Modern Life
Much like a snail, motorhomes provide a little home that we can take around with us - and not just take it anywhere - but take it on holiday.
Wedding Speeches - Make A Wedding Toast In 3 Steps
If you are not used to speaking in public, being asked to make a wedding toast can cause real concern. In some people it can create feelings of panic - the fight or flight reaction. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to run so you have to stay and fight - make a speech, that is.
Memories are Made of This: Christmas Number Ones
Ever since the number one singles chart began in 1952 we - and our parents and grandparents before us - have looked forward with great anticipation to the Christmas Number One being announced before t
"The staring issue"-Yet another social evil. Share
This article is addressed to those males who harass women publicly
20 Questions Answered Directly by Dr.David Morrison (Director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute) a
Discussion continued....Dr.David answers questions from the public submitted on-line to a NASA website (, and over the past two years the Nibiru-2012 doomsday has become the domi
How to Sniff Out Socialism - Look for Shortages, Scarcities, Government Intervention, and Subsidies
Not long ago, I was having an interesting conversation with a closet socialist acquaintance. He claims he's not a socialist, but I know by definition he really is. Apparently, many democrats don't like the stigma, although many have accepted the label, this gentleman is still a stand out,
The flaws of human rights
Humans are self centered so much that, we seem to forget that without our environment we are definitely of no importance. Our achievement that we applaud ourself is the destruction on nature on the ti