What Are the Side Effects of Taxotere?
- Treatment can drop level of red and white blood cellsImage by Flickr.com, courtesy of Andrew Mason
Taxotere treatment can cause a temporary drop in red and white blood cells in some patients. During this time, patients are more susceptible to infections. - Diarrhea is a common side effect of TaxotereImage by Flickr.com, courtesy of Juhan Sonin
Some patients experience sometimes severe diarrhea after receiving Taxotere treatment. - Many patients report feeling nauseousImage by Flickr.com, courtesy of Josh Pesavento
Many patients report feeling nauseous and vomiting after their treatments. - Hair loss is another common side effectImage by Flickr.com, courtesy of Klaus Post
Many patients also lose hair. This can include head, pubic, underarm, eyebrow and eyelash hair. - Patients are frequently fatigued after treatmentImage by Flickr.com, courtesy of foundphotoslj
Patients receiving Taxotere chemotherapy often feel severely fatigued after their treatments. Others experience muscle and bone pain.