Sources of Vitamin K
- In general, leafy green vegetables provide ample amounts of vitamin K. These foods include spinach, green leaf lettuces, mustard, and turnip greens and kale. The recommended daily dosage for adult males is 120 micrograms (mcg). For adult females, the recommendation is 90 mcg. If you are taking prescription blood thinners or if you have a condition that affects your blood clotting, you should limit your intake of vitamin K.
- Foods considered "high" in vitamin K contain 60 to 90 mcg. Based on a 1-cup serving, these include cabbage, rhubarb, black-eyed peas, okra and plums.
- Foods containing a medium or moderate amount of vitamin K (30 to 60 mcg) include celery, cole slaw, frozen blueberries, green peas, pumpkin, carrot juice, Chinese cabbage, romaine lettuce and kiwi (one medium fruit).
- A fruit or vegetable containing 10 to 30 mcg of vitamin K is considered to have a low amount of the nutrient. These foods include carrots, red cabbage, cucumber (peeled), tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, raspberries and blackberries.
- Compounds known as menaquinones are found in vitamin K2 that are natural bacteria in the intestinal tract. An overuse of antibiotics can interfere with the function of vitamin K as such medicines destroy the healthy bacteria that lives in the intestines.
- A diet rich in vitamin K may help reduce blood sugar, support bone loss in post-menopausal women and reduce bleeding in liver disease.