Fix Slow Computer Problems - An Amazingly Simple Way to Skyrocket Your PC Speed Online!
These malicious files creep into your computer when you download music, files, movies, programs, etc.
from harmful websites.
These annoying programs can be removed safely with a trusted anti-virus program.
Also, always make sure that your Windows firewall is turned on.
Defragmenting: Over time, your computer performance will dwindle due to excessive installations of software programs that were stored on your PC improperly.
This will also cause your PC to start running slowly.
To fix this problem, I recommend for you to defragment your hard drive.
This process is VERY long but it is worth it.
Registry Errors: The registry is a part of all Windows computers that is sort of like the "brains" of the computer.
It stores all sorts of data from everything you do.
After awhile, the registry will become corrupt with errors and/or missing files.
This will consequently cause your computer to seriously reduce in speed and you'll start to get a lot of errors, blue screens, freezing, and it will take FOREVER to start up! You can fix the registry by taking it to a technician or you can do it yourself by downloading a trusted registry cleaner.
I decided to go with an online registry cleaner since it was WAY more affordable, it was incredibly easy (just download a free scanner to analyze your PC and then click repair...
done!), and it only took a few minutes to do.