Export Outlook PST to Lotus Notes with Proper Planning For Triumphant Conversion
- Crete a Backup of Database: Before starting up with the conversion process, always take a backup of database to be converted so that if there is any situation where there is risk of data loss or due to any reason if your conversion process is aborted in between, you can restore your database. To sit at a safer seat if is necessary that you maintain a backup copy of database.
- Know your Email Application that you are Going to Use: It is essential that before starting to work with a new application, you get along with its working so that you acknowledge if you will be able to work with the application or not. Therefore, it is very necessary that you install the new application, get along with its functionality and then take the decision of conversion so that there will be no chance that you repent in future.
- Give Technical Knowledge to your Employees: Before starting up with Lotus Notes, it is compulsory that you provide technical knowledge to your employees regarding Lotus Notes as it is known to be the complex email application. Hence basic training should be given to them so that they understand the application that they will be using in future.
- Try the Tool to Export Outlook PST to Lotus Notes: before engaging in any tool to convert PST to NSF, never forget to take a trial tour of the tool that will make you familiar with software caliber and interface and helps you to determine if the software is capable to execute complete conversion process or not.
Advanced PST to NSF Converter: For your demand of perfect PST to NSF conversion, you can rely on Outlook to Notes software that is known to export Outlook PST to Lotus Notes flawlessly. The software makes sure that entire database including emails, contacts, journals, calendars and other items get converted.
Read More: - http://www.convertpsttonsf.org