Tech Tips for Adding an Extra Hour to Your Day
Here are some of our favorites: Use an aggressive SPAM filter-Over 80% of the emails being sent daily are SPAM.
You're probably receiving dozens of these each day cluttering up your in-basket and easily adding up to 5-10 minutes per day in time wasted sorting through and deleting from the emails that you do want.
We recommend an external SPAM filtering service, because it has been proven to trap malicious, virus-laden emails that can threaten entire networks, as well as individual users.
Plus, eliminating SPAM temptations from your staff's email will not only cut down on wasted time, but will also drastically reduce your chances of getting viruses and spyware on your computer or network.
Replace Old PCs-While it's difficult to estimate how much total time is wasted waiting on an old, sluggish computer to start up and process tasks...
it does add up! If your old PC takes 10 seconds longer to process a task, and a typical user averages 100-150 tasks a day...
that's 16-25 minutes of wasted time each day.
Add the crashes and other problems old PCs cause and you're closer to 30-35 minutes a day per employee! Maintain Your Network-Diligent updating, patching and optimizing your server and workstations is key! You'd be surprised how much slower even a new machine will start to run if not maintained properly.
Manage Your Documents-Scanning and storing paper documents so they can be searched and located in seconds rather than minutes or hours is a HUGE time saver.
Plus, it's a greener solution, improves document security, enables users to access critical documents remotely and prevents important papers from loss or damage.
Implement Business Collaboration Software-How much time is wasted in your office because people are duplicating efforts because they can't find the information and documents they need? This may be difficult to calculate, but we can conservatively assume that at least 30 minutes a day or more can be wasted due to disorganization.
That's why we recommend growing companies implement some type of collaboÂration software that will help organize projects and information, keeping everyone on the same page.