How To Send Fax Online Using A Computer And Email?
Go to Control Panel and select the option Add or Remove Programs.
Here, you will see an option Add/Remove Windows Components. Select it.
When you are taken to the Windows Components Wizard, select the check box named Fax Services. It will open another wizard and from here you can navigate further to install the fax application by following the onscreen instructions.
After installing the fax application, you need to open it by clicking on Start Accessories Communications Fax Console. The fax software will open and then you can use it to send your documents to a recipients fax machine and even receive faxed document on your computer or connected Fax device. To send a fax, prepare what you want to fax along with the coversheet, if any. Once you have opened the fax application, navigate to the command which enables fax sending and click on that then enter fax number and other information, attach the scanned image and click on send when it is ready. The fax will be sent once the connection with the recipient fax device is established.
Like other fax connections, there can be busy signal or a connection error when the fax goes out of paper or turned off or if it is having technical problems. If you are using modem for internet connectivity, you wont be able to stay online while faxing. In case of technical issues related to your computer or the network connection, you can visit any website and avail their remote tech support.
Faxing from a word processor : Some word processors like MS Word have the ability to send fax without using the fax software. If you want to fax your document via MS Word, open the document, go to File Print and select the option Print to Fax. The wizard will ask you to enter the fax number of the recipient and some other information which you need to provide. After the fax message gets compiled, the modem will dial the given fax number and once connected with the recipients modem or fax device, the fax will be transmitted.
For further information or complete stepwise instruction, you can visit Microsofts website or call a Windows tech support.