How to Remove Rust on Iron Furniture
- 1). Wash the metal with a mixture of detergent and water, using a scrub brush to remove any dirt or debris. Use a towel to remove as much moisture as possible, and then wait overnight for the furniture to dry completely.
- 2). Remove light deposits of surface rust with a rag soaked in mineral oil. Scrub at the rust deposits with a rag, using vigorous back-and-forth motions to remove the layer of rust. Wipe the surface clean with a dry rag.
- 3). Attach a rotary brush to an electric drill. Use the brush to scrub the rust from the surface of the metal. Place the brush lightly onto the rusted area and turn on the drill. Run the brush back and forth over the rust, grinding it away until you can see the non-rusted metal beneath. After reaching the clear metal, turn off the drill to avoid removing non-rusted iron. Wipe the metal surface with a clean cloth to remove any residue.
- 4). Burnish the piece of iron furniture with steel wool to remove any lingering traces of metal. Wipe the metal using small circles, constantly moving the wool to avoid leaving marks from the burnishing process. Wipe with a clean cloth again to remove rust particles.
- 5). Dip a cloth in lubricating oil, and spread a light layer of oil over the furniture to protect against future rusting. The oil will fill the pores of the metal, reducing rusting caused by moisture. Rub the oil into the metal, wipe away any excess with a clean cloth, and then wait overnight for the oil to dry before using the furniture.