DUI Lawyer Advice: What To Do
People never intend to drive while under the influence of alcohol.
It's a mistake you make.
Sometimes you can get away with it.
Other times, you may be stopped by law enforcement under suspicion and asked to take a breathalyzer test.
If you're unsure, the important thing is not to panic.
There are laws that protect you against incriminating yourself.
It can be helpful to prepare for the possibility of being pulled over for a DUI, especially if you've recognized that you've made the mistake before and gotten away with it.
It's a jarring realization to have but mistakes without consequences could lead to another mistake.
That is why it is helpful to know the name and number of a DUI lawyer on hand in your wallet or in your car.
You should be familiar with your rights.
When law enforcement approaches you with a breathalyzer test and accuses you of driving illegally intoxicated, you could feel intimidated.
You may even be told you required to take this test.
If ever in this position, you do have the right to refuse to take it.
If you believe the results of the test could prove that you are legally over the limit, even slightly, a DUI lawyer will advise you not to take the test.
Think back to your evening.
How much did you have to drink? How many drinks did you consume in the last hour? Generally the rule of thumb to stay under the limit is one drink per hour.
If you consumed more than one drink in an hour, especially the last hour of drinking, you should err on the side of caution and refuse to take the test.
Most refusals will result in your being charged and arrested on suspicion alone.
This is when having a DUI lawyer number on hand is invaluable.
If you have a chance to call the attorney before the arrest, do so.
Most often you will have to wait until you arrive to the local police station to make your call.
If you do not have a number, make sure the person you call arranges to have a DUI lawyer meet you at the station as soon as possible.
If you've exercised your Miranda Rights and nothing is able to be held against you, you have best prepared yourself for an upcoming trial.
It may cost you money but it is an investment well spent to ensure that you are protected against heavy fines, loss of your license, or other heavy sentence.
Keep this information in mind and prepare in advance to ensure that you protect yourself and your rights under the law.