Why Did She Leave?3 Possible Reasons
Sometimes it's a string of these in a combination of the two.
The point is, they don't just leave for no reason whatsoever, and I'm going to help you figure out what you may have done wrong by listing the top 3 most common things that drive them away.
There are quite a few things that make girls itch for the door, but the majority of most cases fall into one of three particular situations.
On the off-chance that your girlfriend didn't TELL you why she was leaving, I've taken the liberty of describing these top 3 reasons in the hopes that you may learn something and end up able to salvage your relationship.
1) Chances are good you already know this and what a STUPID idea it is, but generally women don't take kindly to people cheating on them.
It's just common sense, but I swear some of us were born without even that much common sense, because guys and girls continue to cheat on each other and destroy their relationships.
I suppose I can understand that mistakes do happen, even ones that really SHOULDN'T ever happen...
but rest assured that I have little to no sympathy for a person who's screwed up like this.
Unfortunately for you if this is your problem, it can be exceedingly difficult to pull things back together in a relationship that's been broken this way.
Unfaithfulness is a seriously wounding offense, and it leaves people very hurt and fragile.
Take care if you try to make this work.
2) A fairly common problem that causes women to leave their guys is when the man just can't seem to quite meet the emotional needs of the woman.
Women need to feel like they're really loved, like their feelings matter to their guys.
This is really important, and if a woman isn't getting the emotional companionship she needs from a relationship she may have no choice but to seek it elsewhere.
It really isn't that hard to make a woman feel loved.
Just pay attention to her, real attention.
Listen to what she has to say, and why she's saying it.
Women are pretty complex creatures, and it can be a little difficult to figure out exactly what she's trying to get across, but if you spend enough time with her and pay enough attention to her, you'll understand her and she'll be happy.
3) This next one happens fairly often, and I have to say it makes me really sad that it does.
Another pretty high-ranked killer of relationships is inactivity and lack of spontaneity that leads the relationship becoming rather boring.
This is just so tragic to me, that two people who love each other can get bored and tired of being with one another because nothing exciting ever happens.
There's really no reason to let relationships get this way.
There's a whole world of things out there for you two to do, and no love should ever get stale or stagnant.
Find things to do, be surprising and unpredictable from time to time.
I'm not saying freak out and do really crazy stuff, but do what you need to in order to make your time together as much of an enjoyment as it really should be! So there you have it, the three main things that generally cause couples to separate.
This isn't at all everything that's ever gone wrong in a relationship, but it's a pretty good set of guidelines for probably about 80% of the problems relationship suffer through.
I hope this has helped you out in determining what your problem may be and how to fix it.
Good luck!