Tips to Make Your Ex Miss You and Want You Back
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No doubt the fact that you've found your way here means you are thinking about reconciliation and rekindling what you once had with your ex.
Chances are that if you are over anxious about trying to make your ex miss you your behavior may be the cause of your failure in doing so.
The result is that your ex pulls back which is a normal reaction to pressure.
Instead of making your ex miss you the opposite happens.
Never try to make your ex feel sorry for you.
Likewise refrain from constantly calling your ex, irritating with constant text messaging or emails as this not only looks needy but never end with the result you are after.
You must stop all of these behaviors immediately if you want any chance to make your ex miss you and hopefully have any chance of getting your ex back.
Just how do you get your ex to miss you? That's easy if you adhere to the following plan of action.
It will appear a little strange if you've been hammering your ex, but success will be yours if you master this fresh approach.
Break off all contact for a little while.
I know that you probably think it an impossible task but time is the one thing that you need.
Concentrate instead on ways to improve your own personal life rather than all of the relationship issues with your ex.
It can be a little challenging but is absolutely necessary if you want to make your ex miss you and start thinking about reconciliation with you.
What happens for your ex during this break is that he or she has time to experience a shift in attitude toward and about you.
Why? Simple; you are not pursuing your ex's attention but rather creating an air of mystery about yourself simply because your ex doesn't have a clue as to what you are doing.
Your ex now has a chance to perhaps miss you as you are no longer appearing needy which is what your previous behaviors may have indicated.
This strategy succeeds because it works with human nature rather than against it.
You should now have a basic understanding of the concepts that will help you to get your ex back as well as the things you should avoid.
Before you know it your ex will realize why you were the ONE in the first place and will want you back.
Once your ex starts to pursue you, remember not to fall back into old habits which may cause another breakup.
It's always a good idea to play a little hard to get but don't overdo it.
Be patient and let your ex make the first move.