Rescue a Relationship - 3 Ways to Give Your Marriage a New Lease on Life

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Is your marriage in trouble? Do you now barely talk to your spouse? Are the two of you considering divorce as an option? It may surprise you to know that you can easily rescue a relationship but the truth is, you can.
Here are three easy ways to do it.
Become someone is worth listening to.
I've lost count of the number of husbands who complain that all their wives do is yak.
In contrast, wives complain their husbands never listen to them.
What we have here is a classic communication problem which can only be solved by talking in a manner that your spouse would want to listen to.
For example, instead of saying, "How can you just sit there while your clothes are strewn all over the floor?", say, "Can you pick up those clothes on the floor, please? That would really help me out a lot.
" Remember, a politely expressed request gets quicker results compared to nagging and sarcasm.
Change the way you argue.
Arguments need not turn into fights - if you know how to bite your tongue and control your temper, that is.
The next time you fight with your spouse, don't resort to throwing around things or hurtful words.
Arguments can be avenues for a healthy exchange of ideas if you're willing to listen to your spouse and are open to criticisms and suggestions.
Change up your routine.
If you feel you've lost the spark in your marriage, the best way to rescue a relationship would have to be changing your routines so you escape the comfortable but boring patterns your marriage has most likely settled into.
Be creative with how you do it.
Try being more experimental in the bedroom.
Go out on dates.
Hold fancy Friday night dinners at home.
No one was born good at marriage.
If yours is in trouble, don't despair.
You can always find a way to rescue a relationship, no matter how seemingly huge your troubles are.
Try it!
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