Pay a Traffic Ticket
For illustration, if you in the recent past received the traffic citation, you may be waiting for a "courtesy notice" in the mail to provide you particulars about your traffic court hearing. Often you will never even receive the notification, so it's best to check the status of your case over the internet first. At the Traffic Attorney headquarters, you can read rather simple instructions to pay a traffic citation, or to search for the status of your citation (including the due date).
In case you have a failure to appear in traffic court and you wish to pay a traffic citation, in some cases you may be impeded from doing so. On occasion, a failure to appear in traffic court equates to a compulsory court date. In this case, you may want to contact Attorney Paul J. Denni to help you out.
Often, it can be hard deciding whether or not to pay a traffic ticket. Particular types of traffic citations can be handled in varying ways. Occasionally it's most appropriate to just pay the traffic ticket to steer clear of any further headache. But be careful: paying a traffic citation could quite possibly trigger one or more points on your driving record if the ticket is a moving violation, which can turn in to a real problem if you're not traffic school eligible (there are several different reasons you may not be traffic school eligible).
In other cases, a citation can be resolved more cheaply than paying the traffic ticket in full, if the traffic ticket is a correctable citation. Examples are driving without insurance and California vehicle registration tickets. The respective code sections for those violations are Vehicle Code section 16028 (no insurance) and Vehicle Code section 4000 (no registration). Paying a ticket for driving without insurance will possibly cost $800 or more. But bear in mind, if you had valid insurance at the time, but simply didn't have proof to show the officer, showing proof of correction subsequently may result in a dismissal for $25. California vehicle registration traffic tickets can also be taken care of similarly.
Attorney Paul J. Denni can be reached on his main website at in the event you have further questions about how to pay a citation in Southern California, or if you have concerns about whether to pay a citation in your exact scenario.