Nursing Pre-Requisites
If you are strapped for cash and are thinking of attending college locally, you best strategy would be to check with the local junior colleges in your area. Junior colleges offer the lowest cost of tuition, than say what you would be paying at your state college or any college abroad. You can take all those pre-requisite classes at a junior college and then transfer to whatever college you want to pursue your Nursing degree.
Some junior colleges offer Bachelor of Science Degrees in Nursing and some only offer Associate Degrees, so depending on the junior college, you might not have to transfer at all and you will have the ability to do all your education at that particular Junior College.
What is the advantage of having a Bachelor of Science in Nursing as opposed to an Associate of Science in Nursing? There is a big difference: Some hospitals pay more for Bachelors, some hospitals will only accept nurses with Bachelors, you cannot work in research or teach without a Bachelors degree and you cannot be in management without a Bachelors degree.
Some people might think it's quicker to get that Associates Degree, and it is, but in the long run, you'll wish you had stayed and finished the Bachelors Degree Program. In fact, 95% of Associate Degree graduates end up going back to finish their Bachelors degree anyway. It's only two more semesters of study so why waste your time if your not going to do it right the first time.
For those of you who are already accepted and enrolled at a 4 year university, you also must finish all your prerequisite studies before being accepted into the universities nursing program. Again, talk to your college adviser to make sure you are taking the correct courses that are requirements for that particular program.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of time when applying to the Nursing program. Most Nursing Schools require you go through and application process and well as interview process. Communicate openly and honestly will all your professors as these are the people you will inevitably go back to and ask for one or more references. Always be on your best academic and personal behavior because these references can go a long way in helping to get you accepted into the Nursing program.
Strive to keep your grade point average or g.p.a at a 3.5 and above. Even though the Nursing Profession is experience a shortage, Nursing schools are experience an influx of students who want to get into the medical profession. So the competition is fierce and you must put on your best game.