Get Your Ex Back and Have Him Begging To Stay
It's funny the way humans think and act.
We don't give our boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancée or spouse a lot of attention until they leave us.
That's when suddenly they are the most important person in the world.
You have to get them back! Wouldn't it be much nicer and easier if we would just get along and stay together? Because people get bored, we're always looking for the next best thing.
You'll find that often with celebrities or any person that has a lot of money.
They buy a new car and that wears off.
They buy a larger house, no big deal.
They fall in love and within a few years that's over too.
They just aren't satisfied! Then, how does love endure? How do couples stay together? Are there just certain people that get it right? Is there a magic formula? If you've recently broken up with your boyfriend and he is the one that ended it, do you know why? There are numerous reasons why couples call it quits but from a man's point of view, I would say it's usually because he has grown bored with his girlfriend.
That sounds harsh, I know, but it's true.
Here's what men are looking for.
They want a fun girlfriend.
They want a girl that's sexy.
They want a girl that admires HIM and tells him how great he is.
Is this REALLY what women have to do to keep their man's interest? I'm embarrassed to admit it but it's true.
That's the way men are wired.
I do know how a woman can turn the tables on her guy though.
You can get him chasing you.
Because men want to be the center of your attention, you can use that to your advantage.
When he ends the relationship, agree to it wholeheartedly.
What? Yes, go ahead.
This will throw him a curve ball right out of the gate.
What he really wants (male ego) is you crying and pleading for him to stay.
No way, Jose, don't do it.
Because you think it's a good idea, he's now second guessing himself already! Go ahead and try out that 30 day "no contact" rule.
Everyone knows about it, but it really does work.
Show him (by ignoring him) that he isn't all that important to you anyway.
Don't tell your friends what you're doing because you don't want it getting back to him.
Just start dating other guys (even if your heart isn't into it).
This will give you good practice and new friends just in case you can't repair the relationship.
Right now though, your focus is on getting him back.
Make sure you go out in public places where he might see you.
Don't confront him or make any attempt to talk to him.
If he comes up to you, just smile, say hi, and leave the area.
You will have gotten your message across.
He doesn't know you found out where he would be the same night you were on a "date".
Post fun pics on the social networking sites you belong to.
Believe me, within a few weeks of this, he won't even be able to sleep at night.
You will be on his mind 24/7.
If your ex has to call you, text you, or ring your doorbell to get your attention again, he will.
It's called CRAZY JEALOUSY, and it works! Make him see the value you have.
Make him work for your attention.
The harder he has to try, the more value you have.
Even when you decide it's time to give it another chance, you have to be the one calling the shots.
He needs to chase you all the time.
He will do anything to please YOU.
The one who seems the least interested controls the relationship.
It sounds mean but it works.
You can get your ex back and keep him by your side for good.