How to Compare Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream
The first thing I do is check the contents of the product.
Believe it or not that's the very first thing I do when I go shopping for an anti aging eye cream or any cosmetic product for that matter.
I learned the hard way that the last thing you want to do when shopping for cosmetics is pay attention to the adverts.
The models that endorse products are drop dead gorgeous but what are the chances that they actually use the products they endorse? Slim to none! Another thing to keep in mind is that all the models are "photo-shopped" heavily to make look so flawless and pretty.
In reality they don't look like that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the women and men that endorse beauty products aren't naturally beautiful.
All i'm trying to highlight to you is that most of them don't have the flawless skin they seem to have on the adverts.
Why am I telling you all this? So that you don't mistakenly get an wrinkle cream based on the emotional need to look just as "good" as the models in magazine adverts.
A better way to judge and compare anti wrinkle eye creams is too simply see if the product contains anti aging ingredients like Cynergy tk, Avocado oil and Coenzyme Q10.
You also need to know the harmful ingredients you need to avoid.
These include chemicals like mineral oil, parabens and fragrance.