Resveratrol - A Powerful New Anti-Aging Health Supplement
It has been touted as the most exciting health discovery of the century.
Many feel resveratrol will prove to add many healthy years to our lives.
It was first discovered in 1940 in the roots of white hellebore.
It has since been found as an ingredient in a variety of plants including grapes, berries and peanuts.
Red wine is the number one item of popularity for resveratrol.
Resveratrol has become a very favorite supplement after a very encouraging study in mice.
Mice were found to live longer when given a resveratrol supplement.
They also appeared healthier and more energetic than the mice given a placebo.
The compound is also reported to have anti-aging and ant--cancer benefits.
There are also claims that it aids in weight reduction programs.
Testimonials of increased energy, skin improvement and general well being have been reported.
The French people who have generally a high fat diet have been reported to have less heart ailments than people in other countries.
They drink a fair amount of red wine, and since resveratrol is a component of red wine this is considered to be the reason why.
Resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes, and white wine is not made with grape skins leaving red wine to be the hero.
It would require drinking vast amounts of red wine to get the total value from resveratrol.
Consuming lots of alcohol would not be a good idea from a weight and health point of view.
Not to mention intoxication is not a favorable state of being.
Though resveratrol has proven to an effective addition to an already healthy diet there iscurrently no actual proof that it will lengthen one's life.
An overall healthy diet and exercise program is never substituted by any supplements.
Human trials are now underway to discover the benefits and risks (if any) of this natural product.