New Mommies in Business - The Cure For Perfection Paralysis
We are all out here being imperfect human beings.
Join the fun! Successful people take imperfect action.
We cannot be perfect! It is impossible.
If you wait until your business is perfect before getting out there and talking about it, you are wasting valuable marketing time.
Give yourself some slack.
No one expects perfection from you.
You, and your business, are already perfect enough.
You can continue to grow and tweak your business, your offerings, your presentation, but go ahead and start marketing.
You only need to be a step ahead of your target market to be able to provide valuable insight and ideas, and I bet you are already two steps ahead in your area of expertise.
What do you do? Do you know more about it than the average person on the street? Chances are, you do.
And, you need to get out there and share that knowledge with people.
God has equipped you to do your work.
You have to take the first step, in faith.
How do you overcome perfection paralysis? Take action! First, make the decision that you are going to move forward in your business no matter what.
Set a date to accomplish something you have been putting off.
When you know there is a deadline coming, you will get into gear.
You will get your presentation/speech/workshop/ done.
No matter what, you will know you are doing that event on that day, and you will have to do it...
even if it is not perfect! And, no one will know it is not perfect.
Next you need to prepare.
Prepare your speech/presentation.
Prepare and distribute handouts/fliers directed at your target market.
You must market so people will come! Announce what you are doing on the social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
Next, get the support you will need to pull that event off.
Do you need child care? Do you need professional support? Do you need an accountability partner/friend to make sure you are doing what needs to be done? Finally, reward yourself when you have accomplished your goal! What makes you happy? Do something that makes you happy when you have successfully accomplished your goal.
Celebrate! You have overcome perfection paralysis by taking action! Action, not inaction, is what will make your business successful! Put this information to work for you! Decide on what you want to do to move forward in your business (just choose one thing to focus on that will bring big results...
focusing on too many things can result in overwhelm and inaction).
Set a date, in the near future, by which you will accomplish this task.
Get support.
Get it done! Then, reward yourself for overcoming perfection paralysis! Reward yourself for getting out there and sharing your talents with the world! You ROCK!