Best Home Based Businesses: Four Soul Searching Steps: Step One
Imagine! What would it be like if you had fulfilling, interesting work that you could do from home, and that would give you a comfortable income? Whether youd simply like the freedom of being able to work in your pajamas, or spend more time with your children, you too could be one of the lucky few who develop their own internet home based business.
How could you turn that dream into reality? Well, there are two main paths to creating an internet business:
- Sell products and services provided by other people
- Create your own products and services to sell
But how will you know what to sell? What skills, products, or services could you offer to potential customers? Finding out what to offer to your customers is a process of self-discovery.
Begin with these four main steps to come up with the ideal concept for you:
- Discover what you love,
- Brainstorm ideas,
- Assess those ideas,
- Research those ideas.
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Today we will focus on Step: One, Discover what you love.
Follow the steps carefully and you too will be able to develop one of the best home based businesses.
To find out what one is fitted to do, and to secure an opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness.
~John Dewey~ In creating one of the best home based businesses, you will need to be careful what you create.
Are you going to create a business that turns into another job like the one you want to leave? Only now youre the one in charge? Are you going to create a job full of things you have to do but dont particularly want to? You do have alternatives.
You could choose to create not a job, but a career, or even a vocation: a form of work where you love going to work, where you really enjoy what you do every day.
There is work that is work and there is play that is play; there is play that is work and work that is play.
And in only one of these lie happiness.
" ~Gelett Burgess~ So lets explore what you love to do.
What are your interests, and your passions.
How do you like to spend your spare time? In this first step we need to find out what really interests you, what you could do for hours and enjoy every minute of it.
This step is key not just for your own personal happiness.
This point will go to the very heart of the success of your new business.
A wise self-employment teacher once told me: Find out what you love to do and then find a way to create that into a business.
When you engage in your favorite activities, this will give you the persistence to go the extra mile, to carry on when things get discouraging.
Furthermore, your enthusiasm will be infectious and this energy will draw people to you.
" So to create your business around what you love to do is good business sense! The best home based businesses will be centered around activities you love and will build on your strengths and talents.
Now lets brainstorm.
Ask yourself the following questions.
You may also like to get a friend or family member to ask you these questions and to add what they have noticed.
Sometimes they can point out things that you may take for granted.
- How do you spend your spare time?
- What skills or abilities do people compliment you on?
- What are you good at? What skills and talents do you use in your present or previous jobs?
- What job or jobs did you like the best and why? What were you doing in those jobs? What abilities were you using?
- What skills or talents would you like to become good at?
- What did you dream of doing as a child or teenager?
- What activities do you enjoy the most?
- If you could plan the ideal day how would you spend your time?
Imagine having work that is ideally suited to your interests, your passions, and your skills! I would like to help you create a business where work becomes a form of self-expression, for when you do what you love, then work becomes play, and your chances of being successful at it are greatly increased.
Write the above questions down and carry them around with you.
In quiet moments ask yourself the questions and jot down the answers.
Give yourself time to reflect; you may be surprised what comes to mind.
Give yourself at least three or four days or a week to do this step.
In the next article we will move on to Step Two: Brainstorm Your Business Ideas.
When you have finished the four-part process you will be well on your way to creating one of the best home based businesses.
You will be able to create a company that is uniquely suited to you and that will bring you both profit and happiness! Take your time with this process and then see you in Step Two.
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net/] I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as All the bylines are included, with Live Links, and the article is not changed in any way.