Online Certifications, The Silent Revolution
IT Certifications Revolution has changed this entire scenario, now their organizations are shifting their offices and hiring certified computer professionals to develop, run and update their networks by sitting in their own home countries, this has only become possible by online certifications.
The students of these countries are competing with the whole world and setting the new standards. For example, Nine year old Arfa Kareem of Pakistan become the youngest MS certified professional and showed another face of Pakistan to the World.
These online certified professional are not only doing jobs in the multinationals, but also developing and running their own online setups, earning in foreign currencies and helping poor economies of their countries.
Online certifications have solved the Job's problem and people are now giving priority to these certifications on traditional education to their children because there are more jobs opportunities.
This IT revolution have given the youth a creativity lines now their energies have become constructive beside destructive due to which crime rate is getting under control.
It Certification Revolution have also slowed migration to developed countries creating social, cultural, racial and economic problems for these countries and also causing brain drainage from developing countries and slowing their development.
To sustain this growth, governments of these countries have to take measures to promote IT base education at gross route level, allocation of more funds to promote IT infra structure, excessive and cheap availability of hardware, especially target rural areas where major portion of their population lives and even free provision of laptops to students in school and colleges. Up gradation of universities with latest equipment and funds for research work also scholarships for Ph.D. levels studies and the most important retention of research scholars by providing jobs in colleges and universities with sound financial facilities beside going abroad for good future. Silent economic revolution, which has started from certification and should go to inventions and this revolution should not be limited to one nation, but whole humanity should be equally benefited from this.