Tips for Long Term Gains: Buy and Hold
How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things?"-George Clason There is not a single right way to invest in the stock market.
Each investor has his or her own needs, investment styles, levels of risk and income.
However there are a few tips, offered by financial advisors, which can help investors with long term gains.
The buy and hold theory of investment is a technique that all investors should utilize, if the conditions are right.
Today's stock market is full of aggressive and active traders who are far too impatient to just buy and hold.
However, the old technique still has a great deal of value and can be utilize by people who want to be passive investors.
Buy and hold is a term which refers to an investment technique where an investor will purchase stock, bonds, and mutual funds.
He holds on to these stock vehicles for an extended period of time and does not sell them as the market fluctuation up and down.
An investor who uses this type of technique will actively picked stocks based on solid research and past performance.
However, once the stocks are bought he does not monitor their daily growth or decline.
He unconcerned with the short term motion of the stock market and the economy in general.
In general stocks will increase over long periods of time.
Just as the prices of products and services increase, so will stock values.
There is a great debate in the investment world if the buy and hold technique is actually more profitable then active trading.
Many financial experts agree the only difference may that each technique caters to a different investment style.
In addition, buy and hold has a great deal more tax rewards then active investing.
This is because long term investments are taxed in a lower bracket then short term options.
An investor that utilizes buy and hold is called a passive investor or affectionately referred to as couch potato investors.
This type of investor let's his money grow with the general growth of the market and therefore is not dependent on the growth of any single stock.
Using buy and hold for long term gains are best when you have done all the research and picked solid companies.
The companies which are great for buy and hold are those who have a long history of growth and expansion.
These companies may include Wal-Mar, Coca-Cola, and IBM.