Choose to Succeed
Actually, the adage is true; in fact it's a mathematical certainty.
I apology if I ruffled some feathers, I hope you don't exit me off your screen.
Give me a chance to tell my side, I would welcome any comments from you.
I was born and raised poor.
A single mom in a small town in upstate New York during the fifty's and sixty's.
We struggled every month to make ends meet.
I watched my Mom stress constantly about paying the bills, so I would seldom ask for anything.
She did her best to see I had everything I needed.
Once in a while I would actually something I really wanted.
She was a great Mom and pretty cool.
And for the record, my Dad didn't leave, he died.
I remember as a child, most of my friend's parents were financially secure so they had many luxuries I went without.
That never bothered me.
I learned if there was a toy I wanted bad enough, I would rake yards or shovel snow until I could buy it myself.
No problem.
I was an enterprising kid, and became a stronger man for it.
Call me whatever you want, but I do love this country very much.
And while not perfect, there's no better place in this world.
Americans are not guaranteed anything except the right to the pursuit of happiness.
I know there are people who are born into wealth and will never have to work a day in their life.
In fact, there are people who squander their lives away, and still have billions left over when they die.
Oh well!Think about it, what a boring life that must be.
No challenge to life, no excitement, no victory.
Statistics prove the percentage of people born-into-wealth is less than one percent of the entire population.
There is no such thing as winning life's lottery.
Even though they are born blessed,doesn't mean they don't work their fingers to the bone.
They are groomed, and taught about work-ethic by parents who also learned hard work is important for success.
Yes, the rich do get richer because the overwhelming majority, work hard and they're always striving to advance.
They choose to succeed!I'm sorry but, the poor get poorer because, well, they haven't read my articles.
Or articles like mine.
Folks, the opportunity is there for everyone.
This country's made up of "Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
"It takes the burning desire to achieve, or just better your current situation.
If you're not interested in becoming a multi-bazillionaire, maybe all you need or want is to go from low to upper-middle class.
Stop complaining about what you don't have or what you should have, or how you were cheated.
Successful people don't whine or wallow in self-pity.
Set goals and get to work.
You must have passion, guts and gumption.
Don't be afraid, just put the blinders on and focus.
"Decide to Succeed.
"That's the real secret.
I can write a lot more on this subject, and I plan to in the future.
But, I'm trying to keep my articles enjoyable and interesting.
I'm not advocating any political doctrine, just speaking my mind.
Success is not always about money, its different for everyone, my idea of success is having a memory that last longer than five minutes.
Take care and please, choose to Succeed.