Global Cooling Might Make Arizona a Skating Rink for Caribou
Soon we will have the Caribou that live in Canada migrating down to live in the Arizona desert or maybe trampling folks coming to Arizona from the other direction? Global warming alarmists only have it half right, as there only talking about the 20 foot increase in the ocean's levels and the extreme heat.
They forgot to mention that this will flip the pendulum the other way and cause an Ice Age and it is all because of man's polluting with CO2 and greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
In fact global warming alarmists are also considering claiming that continental drift, volcanoes, solar flares and the collective consciousness that drive's Prozac sales are all being caused by mankind's CO2 emissions and pollution, which is causing the global warming.
Global warming alarmists are now investing in solar companies because it will be so hot and so sunny that they figure that there will be free energy.
The really smart global warming alarmists are also investing in Chinese G-string bathing suit companies because they believe it will be so hot that people will not be wearing very much.
One global warming alarmist is considering buying property in North Dakota to start a nudist colony because it will be so hot they are within a year.
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