Fast Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight Overnight!
Weight loss programs that promise very quick weight loss in a short period of time are all over the internet, and range all the way from drinking special teas to eating raw garlic, to fasting. But be aware that all of these schemes, including those that offer pricey supplement pills - with a free trial come-on of course - can be more harmful than good.
It's understandable that sometimes a special occasion may come up that we would really like to lose a few pounds before attending, but if this describes your circumstances and you feel like you need a fast weight loss diet, at least see your doctor first for a full checkup to make sure that you do not have any issues that would make dieting risky to your health. Some health problems could cause any diet, and especially this type of diet, to be dangerous or possibly even life threatening.
Once you have a check up and are found to be healthy but overweight, your doctor might have a diet in mind that he will recommend to you, but if not, you can do a very simple but mentally challenging diet that can take 5 pounds off your weight very quickly. You can stop eating! Drastic, I know. But this is how to lose weight overnight (and obviously you're not going to want to do this for more than a night).
That sounds easy enough, but you should try it. For anyone to stop eating intentionally, just to drop a few pounds, means that you have your mind set strong enough on whatever the reason for the weight loss, that you can resist the natural inclinations of your body to eat even when the fridge is full, the cabinets are all stocked and the credit card is ready to go out and order restaurant food.
Having this kind of resolve isn't easy, but we're only talking about fasting for one night here, and some people who have tried it have reported losing at least 5 pounds. That, of course, will vary from one person to another. I have known several people who have fasted for a second night, but I wouldn't do more than that.
It's understandable that sometimes a special occasion may come up that we would really like to lose a few pounds before attending, but if this describes your circumstances and you feel like you need a fast weight loss diet, at least see your doctor first for a full checkup to make sure that you do not have any issues that would make dieting risky to your health. Some health problems could cause any diet, and especially this type of diet, to be dangerous or possibly even life threatening.
Once you have a check up and are found to be healthy but overweight, your doctor might have a diet in mind that he will recommend to you, but if not, you can do a very simple but mentally challenging diet that can take 5 pounds off your weight very quickly. You can stop eating! Drastic, I know. But this is how to lose weight overnight (and obviously you're not going to want to do this for more than a night).
That sounds easy enough, but you should try it. For anyone to stop eating intentionally, just to drop a few pounds, means that you have your mind set strong enough on whatever the reason for the weight loss, that you can resist the natural inclinations of your body to eat even when the fridge is full, the cabinets are all stocked and the credit card is ready to go out and order restaurant food.
Having this kind of resolve isn't easy, but we're only talking about fasting for one night here, and some people who have tried it have reported losing at least 5 pounds. That, of course, will vary from one person to another. I have known several people who have fasted for a second night, but I wouldn't do more than that.