Outside by Marlena’s car, she threatens to shoot the mysterious man (Stefano and Rolf's houseguest) if he doesn't stay away. As Marlena’s phone rings, she sees his knife and becomes frightened when he inches closer to her car. She quickly hops inside, and the man removes chunks of snow from her windshield. He quickly bolts when he hears Roman and Belle approaching. Belle hugs her mom in relief. Marlena briefs them on how strange the encounter was and how the man was wearing a ski mask.
She panics when she realizes she’s late for her meeting with Crystal, so Roman offers to take her.
Back at the pub, Hope relays her brief confrontation with Crystal to Bo. Abe phones Bo from the station and informs Bo about the incident in Lucas’s jail cell. He chuckles how EJ saved Lucas’s life. Bo fills Hope in on the situation before heading down to the station.
Shawn later returns to the pub and is approached by Chloe. She gives him a message from Philip, who has Claire since Belle had to go somewhere.
Marlena, Belle, and Roman later arrive at the pub, where Hope fills them in on her confrontation with Crystal. They give her the scoop on what happened in Lucas’s jail cell. Roman proceeds to head over to the station. Marlena insists on going with him, stating her refusal to play the victim.
Marlena later visits Lucas, where he sets the record straight and affirms that he pulled Carmine off of EJ, not the other way around. Lucas moans how Sami believes the whole thing was his fault. Marlena assures Lucas that she’ll talk to Sami and set her straight.
In another part of the station, EJ shares his suspicions with Bo that Stefano arranged for the attack on Lucas. Bo wonders if he has proof of this. EJ then admits he’s done a great deal to hurt his family and expresses how sorry he is, but has drawn a line with his father and has said “no” to violence. Bo quips how sweet it is, but can’t guarantee Lucas’s safety even if he’s transferred. Sami admits how scared she is for Lucas. Bo offers to talk to the D.A. and see if they can work out a deal to have Lucas released. EJ is appalled by this idea. “If your old man sends someone else after Lucas, someone will go after your old man,” threatens Bo. EJ fumes to Sami how betrayed Stefano is going to feel once he finds out that EJ saved Lucas’s life. “I know exactly how Stefano feels,” declares Marlena as she appears.
Abe later informs Roman and Bo that the D.A. agreed to a meeting and is on her way. Bev the D.A. arrives and wonders if they have proof of EJ’s crimes, but Abe says no. Roman affirms that Lucas is a good man. “Good men don’t resort to murder, Roman,” she counters. Bo insists there was no murder and that Stefano sent a man into Lucas’s holding cell to kill him. Bev states they can’t prove it was a DiMera hit unless EJ gives a statement. She suggests a private cell, tighter security, and a restriction of visitors. Bo asserts that Lucas deserves a second chance. Bev advises him to save it for court, since Lucas will need all the character witnesses he can get. “So he stays in jail,” assumes Bo. “My guess is for a very long time,” she previews. Bev states that they have the gun and the bullet match through magnetic imaging. She asserts that Lucas Horton with deliberate and intentional malice tried to kill EJ, and that’s how he’ll be prosecuted.
Belle later arrives at the station and consoles Sami while Marlena speaks with EJ. Belle reminds Sami what a good father Lucas is and how much he loves her and his kids. “Then why did he shoot EJ?” retorts Sami. Belle speculates that maybe he couldn’t find another way out. Sami can’t understand why Lucas didn’t tell her after all the years he’s lectured her about honesty. “How am I supposed to forgive him for this?” questions Sami. “Why not, Sami? He’s forgiven you a lot of times,” Roman reminds her as he emerges. He urges Sami to cut Lucas a break, then asks where the twins are. She reveals they’re with Maggie. Roman encourages Belle and Sami to go get something to eat together and he’ll keep them updated.
Alone with Marlena, EJ declares that he just saved Lucas’s life. Marlena questions if Stefano sent him there to impress Sami. “My father knows I’m not going to carry on his legacy,” he replies. Marlena is dubious and implores him help put Stefano away for good.
Belle and Sami later return to the station and bring Marlena goodies. Sami asks how it went with EJ. “He tried to persuade me that he’s a new man,” replies Marlena, who only believes what she knows. “Lucas IS a good man. He’s a good husband, he’s a good father, he LOVES you,” she affirms. She asserts that Lucas is a member of their family and thus they’ll do all they can to help him.
Abe, Roman, and Bo later discuss what other angles they have regarding Lucas. Marlena enters with Belle and Sami and demands to know what Roman intends to do in order to keep the family safe. “Whatever we have to,” replies Bo. “Within the limits of the law,” adds Abe. Marlena declares that she’s lost faith in the law.
Stefano later examines Marlena’s car. Rolf notes that the houseguest was there and refers to him as a powerful specimen, whom he gave the maximum dosage of drugs to. Thus, he should be in a passive state. “He is not passive, he is reckless,” counters Stefano, “I need a faithful servant, someone who will do my bidding without question,” affirms Stefano. Stefano gives Rolf one more chance to mold the houseguest into the soldier he needs, then smashes a cigar into the ground.
Rolf arrives back on the scene after canvassing several blocks with no sign of their “friend.” He clarifies that their patient is a person, not a machine. Stefano threatens to turn Rolf into a machine unless he finds the patient. Rolf is then grabbed from behind by their guest, who has his arm around Rolf’s throat. Stefano orders the houseguest to release Rolf, then commends him on a job well done, proving that he has a future in the DiMera organization.
Crystal later warns someone on the phone that they’re running out of time and they’ll have to take Belle and Claire by force.