2007/2008 Mobisodes 12-13
Mobisode 12: The Envelope
Written by: Damon LindelofStarring: Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet, and Julie Adams as Amelia
A timer is beeps. Juliet runs to the oven and gets her muffins out. She burns her hand, dropping the pan. The doorbell rings.
A bit later, Juliet runs her hand under water while Amelia stands next to her. Amelia gets some ice from the freezer.
"I’m fine," Juliet says. "I’m really fine.
I just, I need to clean up before everyone gets here."
"It’s him, isn’t it?" Amelia says.
"What? Who?"
"Ben. Did you invite him today?"
"Things have gotten awkward."
"Finally told you how he felt, huh?"
"He didn’t, he didn’t say anything. It’s just complicated. Okay?"
"Complicated doesn’t make you cry."
"I burned my hand."
"That doesn’t make you cry either. What happened, Julie?"
"I think, I think we’re in big trouble."
"Are we?"
"I need, if I show you something, do you promise not to tell anyone? Do you swear? Not anyone."
Amelia nods her head. Juliet goes to a drawer and pulls out a large manila envelope from under the silverware tray. She starts to open it, and the doorbell rings.
Mobisode 13: So It Begins
Written by: Drew GoddardStarring: Matthew Fox as Jack Shephard and John Terry as Christian Shephard
Vincent runs through the jungle and we see things from his point of view. He's panting. He passes an open suitcase and sniffs it. In the background we hear sounds from the aftermath of the crash.
We hear a whistle.
It's Christian Shephard wearing a suit and white tennis shoes.
"Hey there," Christian says. "Come on. Come on. Come on. Good boy. Come on. Come here. Come here. Good boy. Yes." Christian pets Vincent. "I need you to go find my son. He’s over there in that bamboo forest, unconscious. I need you to go wake him up. Ok. Go on."
Vincent runs off and Christian says, "He has work to do."
We see Jack’s eye open. Jack looks around and sees Vincent come through the jungle. Vincent whines and runs by him.