Selecting a Combination Boiler
A combination boiler will supply the heated water for the purposes of bathing, cleaning and cooking. They will also regulate the temperature of the air in the winter months to keep the structure comfortable. If you install a combination boiler that is too large for the structure you will be paying extra for the larger unit when it is not necessary. If you get a device that is too small for your demands on it the device will not be able to keep up with the demands you make. The smaller unit will have to be engaged too often and will likely break sooner than if you had the proper size device.
One of the main considerations that you will have when choosing a combination boiler will be the size of the family you have. You also want to consider whether or not there is a possibility of the number of family members increasing over the next ten years. A combination boiler should last you at least ten years and more likely will last closer to twenty years so you need to consider the output you need now and the output you may need in the future.
You should consider the number of rooms that are in the structure and the possibility of additional rooms being added in the next twenty years. You may currently only have one bathroom in the home, but in ten years you may decide to add an additional bathroom, especially if the family size increases.
Consider the appliances you use that require hot water. These will include washing machines, steam cleaning devices, automatic dishwashers, and things of this nature. Once again, the size of the family determines how frequently these items will be used and will determine a portion of how much output your new unit needs to be capable of.
You need to think about the fuel sources that you have available to you. Most people have electricity available to them. Many of these units are powered by electricity. The problem with this fuel source is that it can be more expensive than mains gas or propane. Electricity can also be interrupted during storms and severe weather. During such an interruption the loss would cause you to lose your heating source for your home. Unless you have a back-up generator you may want to consider the available gas alternative fuels.
Mains gas is generally not available in rural areas. In rural areas the use of propane is more frequent than the use of mains gas. In cities the use of mains gas is more frequent than the use of propane.
A combination boiler may be fueled by mains gas, heating oil, wood, propane, or electricity. The size of your family should be considered when buying a combination boiler. You can click this link for more info.