Muscle Building Is Easy If You Do It Right, But Hard If You Do It Wrong
If you have also been there, you are not alone.
Thousands of us join a gym and start weight training thinking that is all that is necessary and they could not be more misguided.
Think back to any sport or activity which you have excelled at.
I bet that, whether it was football, baseball, tennis, ice hockey, playing the guitar or whatever, you only improved once you had lessons or coaching.
For the life of me, I cannot think why we think that bodybuilding is different and does not need guidance.
The principles behind Muscle Building are deceptively simple
- Put your muscles under enough strain for them to scream for mercy.
In defense they will increase in strength and size to cope with that strain.
Put more strain and they will react by getting bigger and stronger.
and so the pattern is repeated - Eat enough of the right types of food to replace the energy used, as well as enough for the building muscles.
- Get enough rest for the muscles which have been put under severe strain, to recover sufficiently to start over again
- Don't try it without an experienced and proven mentor, trainer or training program.
You could be at it for years without showing the results you want. - Forget about the articles which you have read in Muscle Magazines Almost certainly these have been written for experienced bodybuilders
- Ignore what you have heard from guys who do not have the track record.
They can unintentionally send you in the wrong direction altogether - Stop dithering.
Make a decision to do it properly and stick to that decision
Now lets tackle the right way to build muscle
- As silly as it sounds, the very first step is to make a firm decision to build your muscles significantly within the next six months
- Then find a Muscle Building Program which has been prepared by an experienced trainer and one which can show proven results
- Stick to the program with discipline.
You can only achieve anything in life if first of all you want it badly enough and secondly if you are determined to see it happen. - Finally do it thoroughly.
This will mean exercising 3 - 4 times a week, eating 6 -7 times a day, getting a minimum of 7 - 8 hours rest daily, and keeping accurate logs of your exercise program, your eating and your rest patterns.