To Build Muscle Eat Like This
Whether it is because you want to look lean and trim for your holidays or you have just seen another 'Rocky' film or you just wish to make a bigger impact on the sports field.
So obviously you know that you are going to need to pump some iron.
However you may not be aware of what you are supposed to be eat to build muscle and for general muscle building nutrition.
This short guide will show you exactly what to eat to build muscle but first we'll go through a few of the basic guidelines for a sensible muscle building diet.
Firstly, to build muscle eat more often.
Try to eat 5-7 smaller meals every day.
This is because your body is going to be needing extra calories in order for it to have supplies to actually build muscle mass with.
If you don't get enough calories then you cannot build muscle.
5-7 meals per day will allow you to take on more food comfortably without eating too much at anyone sitting.
Secondly, you will need to cut out a lot of the junk food that you are probably eating at the moment.
Go admit it, we are all at times prone to eating junk food at some time and it is these meals that we need to cut out.
Thirdly, you are going to need to take on more water than you are used to.
try to keep a bottle of water to hand at all times, perhaps leave one in your car.
nearly all of the bodies reactions require water to some degree or other and that includes muscle growing reactions too.
Fourthly, split your small meals into the following amounts of fats, carbohydrate and protein.
Try to make them equal to 50% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 20% fat.
Fifthly, you are going to need to educate yourself as to what sorts of foods are useful for you to be eating.
Here is a start to illustrate what some of the best muscle building foods are: For protein to build muscle eat: turkey, chicken, fish and shellfish, eggs, red meats, dairy products.
These are terrific sources of quality protein so include them in your daily meals as often as possible.
However caution is advised as these foods are high in saturated fat so it would be sensible to mix them with the following foods that supply protein but with a great deal less fat: egg whites, lean meats like poultry and fish, non-fat or low-fat milk and dairy products, lean cuts of red meat, turkey breast,and skinless chicken breast.
For carbohydrates, long term release energy and to build muscle eat: bread, brown rice, oatmeal, bagel, pasta cereals and potatoes.
For short term energy to be consumed near your workouts try fruits such as apple, raisins, orange, grapes, bananas and sports drinks.
The fat portion of your meals will come naturally from the above foods.
Also to build muscle eat plenty of vitamins and minerals from leafy green vegetables.
If you want to buy supplements then you should go for a decent whey protein, essential fatty acids, creatine and a good multi-vitamin to start with.
Finally a few words regarding the timing of your meals.
To build muscle eat within one hour of finishing your workout, before bed and immediately on rising.
These are important times if you wish to ensure muscle growth.
You will be in a great place to start making good muscle gains if you follow the above guidelines.