Monavie Review From an Independent, Third Party MLM Expert
This article isn't going to focus on whether or not Monavie is legitimate, because anyone who takes five minutes to research the MLM industry will see that it is - the primary thrust of this article is to give you my thoughts on the value of the company as an opportunity in the network marketing marketplace.
First, can you make great money at Monavie? ABSOLUTELY.
If you look at the income statistics in the company, overall they are some of the most compelling in the industry.
There are more people earning seven figure annual incomes that have been verified than almost any other network marketing company.
What you need to be really taking a look at is whether or not Monavie is the right company for YOU and what you want to do with your business, and that's what I'll be covering in this article.
The biggest thing to consider when taking a look at a company is to answer the mysterious question 'how do you create a profitable income from this?' There are all kinds of companies that you can join, and you've got to make sure that you choose one that is going to produce the results that you're looking for.
For example, some companies are easier to sell on the internet, and some opportunities are easier to sell in person.
When you're building your business, you've got to ask if you can do what people are asking you to do and build a massively profitable business.
To build any MLM empire, including Monavie - you've got to sponsor a LOT of distributors, and bring a LOT of customers on board your business.
Brig Hart, who is Monavie's #1 income earner literally has millions of people in his downline team in order to produce his seven figure income.
Most of Monavie operates on what is called the 'old school' network marketing model, where the primary strategy in sponsoring is to make a list of family, friends, neighbors, relatives, business associates...
(you get the idea) and to invite them over for 'tasting parties.
' Now, there are a lot of people on the internet who bash that kind of strategy (which I'm NOT going to do), and they say that it isn't effective.
That's not what you should be looking at - I would just ask the question - are you willing to build a business like that long term, and has it worked for you in the past? If you want to build a business through marketing, for example, Monavie isn't the most supportive company in the world, they operate mostly through a personal, one on one relationship model.
Whereas if that's the primary way that you have of building a business - you'll thrive in that environment.
When reviewing Monavie - just ask yourself: "How do I WANT to build this - and can I do what they're asking me to do?" If you want to do 'Mike Dillard style' attraction marketing, you might encounter some resistance there, whereas home meetings, hotel meetings, conference calls, and personal relationship marketing will be welcomed in the company with open arms.
I'm not criticizing - personally, I think that there are value in all ways of building an MLM business, and I've seen people build teams of 50,000 people through online marketing, and I've seen people do it by throwing tasting parties in Monavie - I obviously have my biased preferences for how I like to build, but that's just me.
If you want an old school opportunity - run with Monavie, if you want to write articles, generate leads, create a massive online personal brand, and do things through direct response advertising, you may want to choose something that allows you a little bit more of wiggle room in your strategy.
Just my two cents - overall, I'd rate Monavie an A++ opportunity.