How to Uninstall MySpace Search
- 1). Click the "Start" button and access the "Control Panel".
- 2). Double-click "Programs and Features" in Windows 7 and Vista or "Add or Remove Programs" in Windows XP.
- 3). Right-click "MySpace Toolbar" in the list of programs and click "Uninstall" in Windows 7 and Vista. Click "MySpace Toolbar" and then the "Remove" button in Windows XP.
- 4). Click "Next" when prompted, then click "Uninstall" and "Close".
- 5). Restart the computer.
- 1). Click the arrow next to the magnifying glass in the search box at the top of the Internet Explorer window, then click "Change Search Defaults".
- 2). Click the search engine you want Internet Explorer to use, then click "Set Default".
- 3). Click "", then click the "Remove" button.
- 4). Click "OK".
- 1). Click the arrow on the left side of the search bar, then click "Manage Search Engines".
- 2). Click "", then "Remove." Click "OK" to close the window.
- 3). Type "about:config" in the address bar and press "Enter". When the warning appears, click "I'll be careful".
- 4). Type "MySpace" in the box labeled "Filter" at the top of the screen. The search results will include two results with the words "" and "keyword.URL" in the "Preference Name" column. Right-click both items and click "Reset", then close the window.