Text Messaging and Abbreviations Don"t Mix
I cringe when I get a message saying, "TY" or "Wadup?" What is wrong with typing, "Thank you," or "Hi, what's new?" I just don't get it.
I know I am in the minority when I confess that I use proper grammar while texting, but I just could not sleep knowing I sent something wherein the grammar looked as if was written by a first grader.
I get bothered when people text me with the abbreviated words as I have a heck of a time trying to figure out their meaning.
About a month ago, a friend kept texting the letters BRB.
For the longest time I had no idea why she kept writing that so I sent her a text asking what BRB meant.
She texted back with, "Be right back" and somehow I missed the connection and thought she was going to tell me when she got back to her phone.
Doh! Sometimes I amaze myself at the things I miss in life.
Oh, for those of you who are slow, like, say, me, BRB means "be right back".
Please tell me I am not the only one who did not know this.
Let's just talk about this one for a minute.
LOL, or laugh out loud, is meant to be used to tell someone you are laughing or have written something funny.
If the LOL is needed to indicate it is time to laugh, most likely, it wasn't funny in the first place.
If you have to tell them it is funny and they aren't laughing, most likely, it's not.
Makes my head spin.
TY for reading this.
I will BRB to write more later and if I make a joke, I will try to make sure it is funny.