Cloud Computing Attributes
The quest for maximizing profits with minimizing expenses has created a new global workforce. And the global workforce works by providing every required aspect of IT in a faster turnaround time exploiting the time zone differences and the variety of the skill set that is available. To support the global workforce, organizations have the necessity to maintain similar standards and a common engineering platform on which applications can be built and supported. This has propelled the services model to an extent that each and every IT component is now available as a service.
Common scenarios of Services are – Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, Software as a Service, Database as a Service, Security as a Service.  How do these services blend into cloud computing? To understand that, we first need to understand cloud computing.
Cloud Computing is the methodology of providing on demand IT resources to customers. When the system of provisioning satisfies a few key criteria, the term cloud comes into play.
So what are the factors that define the cloud.
a.     The service should be elastic – more you need, you get it immediately, once the need
        is achieved, you can reduce consuming the resource to the level that you need.
b.     Encourages ubiquitous computing – does not matter where the resource is available
        as long as it can be consumed through internet.
c.      Follows a utility computing model – pay only for what is used.
d.     Systems are self provisioning
e.     systems are available on demand
So a cloud model typically provides resources that can be scaled up or down, and is accessible easily and also is available on demand. How does the services component play into this? The services model facilitates the cloud as all the services come together to provide the various cloud attributes. For example, when an user needs 10 additional systems for a performance testing, the user invokes the system and the system in turn relies on Infrastructure as a Service to provide this component or for example a requirement needs a complete software platform for testing, the platform as a service model is invoked and provides the user with a rapid fast platform for testing. So these service models get bundled together to provide the fundamentals of the cloud. Technologies like virtualization have matured and provide the necessary toolsets to get this achieved.
Cloud computing has various definitions but what is important for a user is the availability of resources on demand and in a fashion that the user is not paying for what is not being consumed. This help organizations to conserve on IT resources, utilities and cooling and also provide standardized objectives to users.
In the next blog we discuss the different cloud models and how they are being used.
Read related articles:
1. The Services Approach to IT
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