Looking For an Effective Six Pack Abs Plan? Leg Raises Promise Quick, Well-Defined Abdominals

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To get six pack abs much faster as well as with less strain, one of the prerequisites is the need for a good and effective regime of exercises.
Perhaps you have already been following a six pack abs workout plan that you feel is good.
This article intends to help you further your goal as early as possible while working within your planned schedules.
It is assumed that you have already uncovered your abdominals that were hiding underneath a layer of fat through diet and appropriate training program.
Now, you want to proceed to getting that ribbed look which you can proudly show off! One of the most effective exercises for defining your six pack abs is the hanging legs raise.
While it may seem difficult to perform at first, it is not impossible to get over it in due course of your training; with patience, you will surely find the effort worth every bit.
This is no hype - do it right, and you will become master of a great looking mid-section in a short time; why not go ahead and surprise yourself by beginning right away? How to Go About You should be comfortable enough to hang from a pull-up bar for at least one minute.
If you're performing the hanging legs exercise for the first time, then do take time to first get used to doing a few pull ups on the bar, so that you can sustain yourself with reasonable comfort, and be able to perform the leg raises properly.
It is suggested that you begin with easier versions of leg raises, gradually switching over to next (higher) level until you are comfortable enough to go up to the final stage.
Let us begin from the basics.
Hanging Time Firmly grip your pull up bar with your wrists positioned slightly wider than your shoulder width.
Hold the bar from behind (your fingers and nails in the same direction as your face).
Let your body hang without swaying or swinging.
Repeat this 5 times with short breaks of about 15 seconds.
Initially you may find that you can hang only a few seconds before your grip gives way.
Do this on daily basis increasing your capacity to hang by 5 to 10 seconds each workout day.
The ultimate aim should be to progress to around 1 minute without an interruption.
You may start the next stage once you achieve endurance for at least 30 seconds.
However, it is important that you do a reach an endurance level of at least 1 minute.
Keep your legs close to each other.
Leg Raises Part 1 Grip the pull up bar as described above.
Keeping your back straight, raise your knees slowly as high as possible (imp: do not over-exert).
As you raise the knees let your lower legs point downwards - ultimately the knees should be raised to a point when you get your thighs at right angle to your body - as if you are sitting in an invisible chair in air.
After raising your legs to the extent possible, hold in that position for 10 seconds (count to 10) and lower them gradually until you reach original position.
Repeat after a break of about 15 seconds.
Aim to do this at least 5 - 10 times and then go to next stage.
While raising and lowering the legs your body should stay still - do not allow it to sway.
Do not be discouraged if this appears tough - it is not.
This stage helps you build your abs to support the exercises in stage 2 and 3.
The abs can do this only if they become more turgid - and, this is the beginning of getting well defined abdominal muscles.
Patiently work your way on day-to-day basis to improve your performance.
Leg Raises Part 2 In this stage you raise the legs, keeping them straight from the hip to the toe, until they are at right angle to your body.
As usual, raise the legs slowly, hold for a count of 10 (10 seconds) and lower them, again slowly, to the original position.
You should be able to repeat this 5 - 10 times.
Leg Raises Part 3 This is the ultimate stage in which you have to raise the legs even higher while curling your pelvis upwards.
Try and reach the pull up bar.
At this stage, you will have attained greater flexibility; your six pack abs will have begun to become visible as distinct "compartments".
Go as high as you possible can without undue exertion - reaching the bar is not the criterion but doing it right and with intensity is what matters.
When Will I see My Six Pack Abs Fully Developed? In above stages, it is the 3rd stage that is most effective.
You will notice that the abdominal muscles have to really work to help you lift your feet higher above the level of the waist.
Curling your pelvis is an important part of the exercise if you want to get the six pack abs fast.
Done correctly, you can look forward to seeing the abdominal muscles firm up within 8 to 12 weeks if started from stage 1.
Many may not need to spend a lot of time for clearing stage 1 and stage 2, in which case the abs will become visible even earlier.
Breathing As you slowly raise your legs, inhale in tandem with the movement; exhale while lowering them.
Focus on your breathing.
If, at any stage, you feel uncomfortable, do not persist.
Give yourself room for improvement; there is always a next time.
Slow and steady wins the race! Believe In Your Power To Succeed Positive thoughts beget positive results.
Starting with "Oh! This looks difficult" will make the exercise harder than you anticipated it to be.
Remember the Law of Attraction? While doing the leg raise exercises, imagine yourself as a person who has already got the benefit of this training.
Feel the goodness.
Not only will this attitude make it easier to achieve but it will also give you your dream six pack abs much faster.
What Next As you reach your goal, you must remember that maintaining you abdominal muscles is as important as working to get them in the first place.
Make a six pack abs plan that should be followed at least 3 to 4 times a week.
After all, you will want to enjoy the attention that your sexy six pack abs draw whenever you are on the beach!
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