Online Book Launch - How to Become a Bestselling Author Using the Internet
With the information contained on these pages you are in a better position to achieve your goal.
You will learn what you can do to reach large numbers of potential book buyers.
I have been an author for many years and I can assure you, hands down, a well planned and well executed online promotional campaign can open up incredible opportunities both in the short term and the long term.
Below is some essential information regarding what you can do to begin your book launch.
Online book launches can be a springboard into other opportunities such as additional product development, speaking and consulting jobs and increased expert status.
There are three phases to a successful campaign: Phase I - Pre-launch preparation Phase II - Launch Phase II - Post launch Checklist of what you need to do to launch your campaign:
- Create a budget for your launch
- Select the date of the launch
- Complete your book before the launch date
- Register your book with Amazon.
com and Barnes&Noble.
com - Secure Joint Venture Partners
- Secure appropriate, high value bonuses
- All web design work done
- Copywrite various pieces of information for the campaign
- Automate your process
- Develop a backend plan for multiple streams of revenue
The more thought you put into marketing and promoting the book, the more likely it is that you will have a hugely successful book on your hands.