Noodle Games for Physical Education
- Have each student select a partner and give each pair a noodle. Tell both players to grab an end of the noodle (one player on each end). They must put their feet together and squat down. When you say, "Go," the players will use the noodle to try to push each other over. If a player loses his balance, releases the noodle or touches the floor with his hands, he loses. Play this game tournament style until only one winner remains.
- Scatter several noodles around the gym floor. Tell your students they have to jump, hop, leap, jump backwards or do a fancy jump over each noodle; however, they cannot do the same jump twice. Have the players practice the obstacle course and then time each player. The player with the fastest time wins the race. You can also divide the players into teams. Have the teams run the course together doing the same jumps. The team with the fastest time wins the race.
- Cut a noodle in half to use as baseball bats. Fill an old sock with crumbled balls of newspaper and wrap with masking tape to keep it together. Divide your class into two teams and play with the same rules as baseball. The team with the most runs after five innings wins the game.
- Tell your students to select a partner and give each player a noodle. The partners must stand facing each other about one foot away. They will place their noodle standing straight up in front of them with their hand on the top of it. When one partner says, "Go," they must both lift their hands off their noodles and catch their partner's noodle before it hits the ground. If either noodle hits the ground, they are out of the game. If they catch both noodles, they will take one step back and try again. The partners who can catch each other's noodles from the farthest distance win the game. Give the players a few minutes to practice before starting the game.