Xbox Fault Alarms
The graphics look all distorted and your machine has frozen.
The controllers are unresponsive.
It does happen from time to time; most Xbox 360 consoles acts that way every now and then so now you think of doing what you have always done in the past.
You put off the switch on the wall, wait for about a minute or 2 and put it back on, and your console starts up with an alarming red light flashing on the front console in a ring right manner, your screen is also blank and now you are terrified that you might loose your console or you start thinking of how to refer it to Microsoft where it would take 6 to 8 weeks before you can think of seeing today or you might think of how to take it to the nearest repair shop where you would be charged at least $80 to have it fixed.
All these sound quite familiar but I can assure you that you can solve all these problem yourself, you might not belief me but you can actually fix those errors all by yourself using simple tools and simple instructions that literally anyone can read and understand.
Some people have decided to start making money out of this process by gathering bad Xbox 360 consoles together, fixing them and selling them to make good profits.
If you still doubt me, the only way you can believe me is by seeing for yourself.