The Rules of Asking For a Date
But there are cases when the tension builds up, and neither of you has the courage to talk about an eventually going out.
If you are in such situation, relax: countless people experienced the same way you feel, and the world is not going to change if he or she says 'yes'.
Actually, it's no big deal if he or she says 'no' either: you haven't lost anything apart from a small scratch on your ego.
You don't like a lot of people, so it is normal that you are not sympathetic to some people.
And if someone says 'no', you can always tell yourself that he or she will never realize what a great person you are.
There is a bit of difference between an undecided 'no' and a firm rejection.
If the person you like doesn't show any interest in you, then 'no' is 'no'.
If you are the one being asked out try to decide on what you want and stick to your decision.
There is nothing more frustrating than a person who at first says 'yes', then 'maybe', and at the end will never pick up the phone.
If you decide to turn down somebody, make it in an explicit but polite way.
Don't hurt someone whose only sin is being interested in you.
Remember, there is a chance that you will change your mind, the person you turned down may someday be your boss, or a family friend.
Asking out for a date is not gender specific, so if you are a woman and never asked a guy out, you should try the experience.
Men love to be asked out, and you can experience the thrill of it.
At least, next time you reject somebody you will know what he goes thorough.
There are certain things you must consider when asking somebody out.
The first rule is don't choose a Friday or Saturday night for the first date.
These two nights are too ambitious for a freshly started relationship.
You should go for a simpler Wednesday or Thursday night, when people usually don't have much planned.
Never say 'Would you go out sometime?': it sounds very vague.
Instead, you should try something like: 'There is a cool restaurant I want to try out on Wednesday or Thursday.
Would you like to come?' This way, you give a specific opportunity, and alternative days as well.
This way you will be able to negotiate without the impression of being desperate.
If you can't agree on any options regarding place, date and activity, then the answer is clear.