How to Deal With Breaking Up - 4 Things You Can"t Afford to Sacrifice When the Relationship Ends
Breaking up is hard for all parties involved if it is a genuine loving relationship.
Since love isn't something that can be flipped on and off it is likely that the person doing the "dumping" is also hurt by the fact that he or she feels the relationship can't be saved.
In fact, your ex may be wondering how to deal with breaking up too.
There is no easy way to deal with a break up but there are things you can do that will allow you better odds of making up with your ex or retaining some sort of relationship with your ex in the future.
How to Deal with Breaking Up Be Honest You are not a robot.
You have feelings and you're probably hurt and may be a little angry.
While you don't want to fall apart in front of the person breaking up with you it is also important that you don't play things cool and pretend to be unaffected by the breakup at all.
Of course you don't want to exaggerate or even imply that your world is ending as the result of the break up either.
Be Strong Strength is something to be admired and you want your ex to admire how you handle yourself while breaking up.
The best way how to deal with breaking up is to be as strong as possible throughout the process and avoid breaking down in public where it can get back to your ex.
This doesn't mean that you can't be sad or that you shouldn't let people know you are affected by the relationship.
It only means that you shouldn't let your hurt, anger, or sadness get the best of you-especially when there are witnesses.
Be Logical There is a lot we mere mortals can learn about logic.
Emotions should not rule the day when breaking up.
If you want to deal with breaking up and not have it send you over the edge you need to see it from a logical rather than emotional response.
You don't want to lash out irrationally or from sheer hurt or anger.
You want to think things through, assess the situation and see what of the relationship can be salvaged or redeemed.
Hold on to Your Pride This doesn't mean to present yourself as proud or arrogant but you need to realize that the breakup is not entirely your fault.
There is probably plenty of fault or blame to go around.
You are only part of the problem.
Guess what this means though? It means you can be part of the solution as well.