How to Combine 2 Magazine Pages in Photoshop
- 1). Select the photographs that you want to use in the image. They should be front views of the subjects face taking up roughly the same proportion of the image. Then load them onto your computer, either by transferring them from a digital storage media or camera or by scanning them in. If you choose to scan them in from a printed source (such as two magazine covers) make sure you use a very high resolution setting in the software that came with your scanner. This will help to reduce any "moire" noise, which is an interference pattern you sometimes get with scanned in images, especially ones from magazines.
- 2). Open Photoshop. Select "File" and click "Open." Browse to images you loaded, select them both and click "Open."
- 3). Go to the first image and click on "Image" in the menu and choose "Image Size." Note the numbers for the height and width you see in the dialog
- 4). Open the second image and click on the "Image" in the menu and choose "Image Size." In the dialog adjust the width and height numbers to at least those of the first image. Click "OK."
- 5). Select the "Rectangular" selection tool and use it to select the right half of the image. Select "Edit" and click "Copy." Now go back to the first image, select "Edit" and click "Paste."
- 6). Use the "Move" tool to place the pasted in section on the right. Adjust it so that the two faces align as much as possible. This will probably mean that the the top and bottom edges won't align.
- 7). Select the "Crop" tool from the toolbar and use it to crop out the edges that don't match.
- 8). Select "File" and click "Save." Name your file and save it as a high resolution JPEG file.