What to Talk About When Meeting With Your Ex
But exactly what do you talk about and how do you not overstep the mark will make things worse? Obviously this is a question that goes through everyone's mind when the meeting is about to happen and rest assured that the same is Going through your ex's head as well.
However don't be too blasé and laid-back about this as it is important to get things just right.
Firstly it is important that you don't bring up the past, especially the things that went wrong.
Just for the moment it might be a good idea to avoid this.
Obviously talk about it if your ex printed up but in general it is best to keep the conversation on the positive side.
Secondly, don't talk about yourself too much.
This can make you seem self-centred, big headed but worst of all you might try too hard and end up looking needy and a little desperate.
If you want your ex to know that you are doing well, this is a great idea, but do it by having a confident and positive persona and character.
Finally make sure you ask your ex lots of questions.
Find out about them and find out what they have been doing recently.
Perhaps ask them about their job, Their friends and their family.
People always enjoy it when other people are interested in them to make use of this and leave your ex feeling positive about the meeting and about you.
When meeting your ex it is also important to keep things short and sweet.
Maybe just a chat over a cup of coffee for an hour will be perfect.