How to Get Your Ex Back - 2 Things You Should Not Do
Therefore, you may be willing to try anything, hoping that in the process, you will successfully attract your ex back.
Unfortunately, when it comes to relationship, especially when we are talking about stopping a break up, trying more ways doesn't necessary mean more chances of success.
This is because a lot of times, especially just after a break up, it is easy for people to do the things that tend to drive their ex further away.
Here is a list of 3 things that you should try to avoid.
1)Do not Smother Your Ex The first thing you want to avoid is to keep on calling your ex over and over again.
Why isn't it a good idea to call your ex over and over again? Well, for a moment, you might want to put yourself in the shoe of your ex.
What if someone keeps on calling you over and over again? Will you feel irritated? Will you want to hang up the phone? Most probably, your answer might be yes.
This is especially true if your ex is trying to avoid you.
Your ex can be avoiding you because he or she simply needs more time to cool down after a break up and is not ready to talk to you yet.
Therefore, it is best to respect your ex's decision.
2)Don't Try To Argue This is probably another very common mistake.
This can happen for various reasons.
Perhaps your ex has given you some reasons for wanting to break up with you.
But when you really think about it, you know those reasons simply doesn't make sense.
So, you try to convince your partner that he or she is wrong.
Unfortunately, this is not a debate and winning an argument is not going to win back your ex.
In fact, arguing can make the situation even more awkward.
Therefore, never try arguing with your ex no matter how unacceptable the reasons are.