How to Add Music to Your MySpace Pics
- 1). Determine what song you would like to play in your photo album and upload it to the Internet. Comply with all copyright laws. Appropriate formats include MP3, MIDI, WMV and WAV.
- 2). Determine the URL for your song and test it by pasting it in your web browser. The song will either play or you will be prompted for a download.
- 3). Take the URL pertaining to your song and shorten it by using the Tiny Url service (see Resources). Shortening the URL is necessary as a long URL will not fit in the MySpace photo caption where you need to place it.
- 4). Create a photo album on MySpace. In the photo caption space where you would normally write a caption, paste the following code: <bgsound src="URL HERE" loop="-1">
- 5). In the above code you pasted into your photo caption, place the shortened URL of your song in the place of the words, "URL HERE."