What Qualities Do Women Want in a Man? An Easy Guide For the Totally Lost
Each has their own strengths and weaknesses.
In general, one compliments the other.
However those differences that make us so compatible can also make it hard to decipher what the other wants.
If you are completely lost when trying to figure out the female mind, read on for some helpful advice! Never Assume She Knows Men tend to be less inclined to share their feelings.
Women on the other hand tend to be more open.
Never assume she knows how you feel just because you feel it.
Let her see it through your actions and hear it through your words.
Even if you feel you have told her "I love you" over and over again, it never hurts to repeat yourself! Don't Downplay What qualities do women want in a man? How about a little understanding! If she is upset or stressed out, show her strength and support.
Be there to hear her out.
Just because you are not feeling the same way does not mean her emotions are not genuine.
Do not downplay her feelings, instead, be a pillar of support and understanding! Make Her Feel Special Just as a man likes to feel masculine, a woman likes to know you view her as very feminine.
Even the least girly girl can appreciate it when a man makes her feel like the most attractive woman in the world.
Despite the taboos put in place by political correctness, being a woman is a part of her identity.
No, it is not her entire identity, but it is still one aspect of it.