Speed Up Your Metabolism at 50
We've heard about the word "Metabolism" over and over but what exactly happens during this process and how does it affect our body? It is simply the buildup and breakdown of substances from the food we eat and then later on transformed into fuel and energy.
It may seem fair to conclude that weight gain can be associated with low/slow metabolism.
When the body takes more calories than it burns, you gain weight.
To lose weight, it is common sense to take in fewer amount of calories than you can burn.
When you're 50 or beyond, you know that your metabolism is not the same when you were younger.
How do you solve this? If you think skipping meals is the solution then you're completely wrong.
Not eating on a regular time does more harm than good to your metabolism.
Eating in an irregular pattern tells your body to burn calories slower and conserve fat.
You are better off in eating smaller and balanced meals and snacks all throughout the day.
6 or 7 lighter meals a day is better than having 3 heavy meals.
You can eat every after 3 or 4 hours to make sure you don't get hungry in a short period of time, this will also give you enough energy to last all throughout the day.
This practice will help rev up your metabolism.
If you get hungry in between, instead of potato chips, you can snack on walnuts or ground flaxseed.
Skip foods which are high in sugar, saturated fats and artificial sweeteners.
These foods slow down digestion and you and I know this is not good.
Stick to fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lean meat, fish, seeds and nuts.
These foods provide a more stable and lasting energy.
Lean proteins aid in better digestion and absorption and it contribute to efficient muscle building.
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day also speeds up your metabolism aside from it helps in cleansing your system significantly.
What else can you do to improve your metabolic rate? Of course the most well known method will be exercise.
We've learned that working out helps in building muscles and muscles speed up the breakdown of food into energy.
As the body works, you process food faster in general.
Don't rush it, you'll see improvements in 3 months and not the next week.
It will take time before your body gets used to it and finally adopt.
It may seem fair to conclude that weight gain can be associated with low/slow metabolism.
When the body takes more calories than it burns, you gain weight.
To lose weight, it is common sense to take in fewer amount of calories than you can burn.
When you're 50 or beyond, you know that your metabolism is not the same when you were younger.
How do you solve this? If you think skipping meals is the solution then you're completely wrong.
Not eating on a regular time does more harm than good to your metabolism.
Eating in an irregular pattern tells your body to burn calories slower and conserve fat.
You are better off in eating smaller and balanced meals and snacks all throughout the day.
6 or 7 lighter meals a day is better than having 3 heavy meals.
You can eat every after 3 or 4 hours to make sure you don't get hungry in a short period of time, this will also give you enough energy to last all throughout the day.
This practice will help rev up your metabolism.
If you get hungry in between, instead of potato chips, you can snack on walnuts or ground flaxseed.
Skip foods which are high in sugar, saturated fats and artificial sweeteners.
These foods slow down digestion and you and I know this is not good.
Stick to fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lean meat, fish, seeds and nuts.
These foods provide a more stable and lasting energy.
Lean proteins aid in better digestion and absorption and it contribute to efficient muscle building.
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day also speeds up your metabolism aside from it helps in cleansing your system significantly.
What else can you do to improve your metabolic rate? Of course the most well known method will be exercise.
We've learned that working out helps in building muscles and muscles speed up the breakdown of food into energy.
As the body works, you process food faster in general.
Don't rush it, you'll see improvements in 3 months and not the next week.
It will take time before your body gets used to it and finally adopt.