How to Go to College and Play Football
- 1). Create a list of schools which you would like to attend. Academics are more important than athletics, since most college football players never make the pros. In fact, several pro players played for smaller universities.
- 2). Go to the respective schools' websites and acquire the coaches' contact info. Send the coaches a highlight film of your high school games. Add in newspaper clippings and your statistics. Include a polite letter asking the coach to consider you for a scholarship. Obtain a letter of endorsement from your high school coach.
- 3). Attend football camps at the universities you are interested in. This is a great way for them to see you in person. Make sure to inform the coach of your upcoming attendance.
- 4). Promptly return all information which coaches ask for. Be sure to have your high school coach act in this manner as well.
- 5). As a senior, register for the NCAA Eligibility Clearinghouse. This is mandatory for scholarship consideration.