The Average Salary of an Alabama Teacher with a Master's Degree
- As of October 2010, the average annual salary of a teacher with a master's degree in Alabama was $45,000 according to SimplyHired.
- As of October 2010, Alabama ranks below the national average. SimplyHired puts the national average salary for a teacher with a master's degree at $52,000, which is $7,000 higher than the Alabama average.
- Northeastern states tend to fare better than the national average, with New York and Connecticut both placing at $61,000 average salary for teachers with master's degree, according to SimplyHired as of October 2010. States more in line with Alabama's average of $45,000 include Louisiana ($44,000) and New Mexico ($45,000).
- Salary date suggests that a master's degree can lead to a better paying teaching job. SimplyHired puts the average salary of a teacher in Alabama with no master's degree at $37,000, or $8,000 below the average salary of a teacher with a master's degree.