How to Become a Political Speech Writer
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Take a few classes.student image by Vasiliy Koval from
Build up your resume and your confidence by enrolling in classes at a local university or community college. Take classes on writing, public speaking and persuasion. Some local adult education centers may also offer classes that will get you on your way to speech writing. - 2
Know your current image by Angelika Bentin from
Begin to write speeches for current events as a test run. Pick a cause you are passionate about--whether at the local, state or national level--and a current event that a leader would need a speech for. Give yourself a hard deadline and a word count to complete. Make sure the deadline is within 24 to 48 hours to keep the pressure on and get your skills primed. - 3
Take a stand on an issue.president lincoln image by Leticia Wilson from
Volunteer at a local political office of your choice, preferably within your registered party. Find other local groups like wildlife preservation, animal rights or child education that you are in support of and begin to offer your time and make relationships with the people who already work there. - 4
Find someone to shadow.shadow image by Sirena Designs from
Shadow any current speech writer the organization or politician you are working with currently uses as their main writer. Ask for an internship with them. Keep thinking of ways to build your resume and prove your worth. - 5
Search for your new career.resume image by Danil Vachegin from
Look for open jobs with connections you have made, once your experience and resume are built and you feel confident. Ask for references from the people you've been working with and volunteering for as you are sending out resumes and applying for positions.